
The V2Ray core is integrated in the Docker image, so the core does not need to be installed.

Docker is a platform for deploying applications that is designed for production environments. When using Docker for deployment, we assume that you have the knowledge necessary to operate a server, as well as an understanding of the concepts of containerization and the basics of Docker operations. If not, please use a simpler deployment method.

The following commands assume that you are operating as the root user. If you are not using the root user, you may need to use the sudo or doas commands to elevate your privileges.

Method 1: Always use the latest version

Pull the image

docker pull mzz2017/v2raya

Run v2rayA

Stop the running version (if it exists):

docker container stop v2raya
docker container rm v2raya

Run v2rayA:

  1. V2RAYA_V2RAY_BIN should be /usr/local/bin/v2ray or /usr/local/bin/xray, the default core of v2rayA is xray.
  2. Set V2RAYA_NFTABLES_SUPPORT to on if your host OS is using native nftables.
  3. If your host OS is using iptables, then you can use IPTABLES_MODE to choose your iptables backend, it can be nftables (using nft backend) or legacy (using legacy iptables backend).

Here’s an example of using a legacy backend:

docker run -d \
  --restart=always \
  --privileged \
  --network=host \
  --name v2raya \
  -e V2RAYA_LOG_FILE=/tmp/v2raya.log \
  -e V2RAYA_V2RAY_BIN=/usr/local/bin/v2ray \
  -e IPTABLES_MODE=legacy \
  -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro \
  -v /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf \
  -v /etc/v2raya:/etc/v2raya \

If you use macOS or other environments that do not support host mode, you cannot use the global transparent proxy in this case, or you do not want to use the global transparent proxy, the docker command will be slightly different:

docker run -d \
  -p 2017:2017 \
  -p 20170-20172:20170-20172 \
  --restart=always \
  --name v2raya \
  -e V2RAYA_V2RAY_BIN=/usr/local/bin/v2ray \
  -e V2RAYA_LOG_FILE=/tmp/v2raya.log \
  -v /etc/v2raya:/etc/v2raya \

Check status:

docker container stats v2raya

Method 2: Get a specific version

Docker allows users to download different versions of v2rayA simultaneously. By using different ports, users can also run multiple different versions of v2rayA.

Get Docker Image

Get latest version number:

Latest_version=$(curl -L "" | grep 'tag_name' | awk -F '"' '{print $4}' | awk -F 'v' '{print $2}')
echo $Latest_version

If you don’t need the latest version, you can also visit the Docker image repository: to find the version you need. For example, if you need the 1.5.8 version, then you can replace $Latest_version with the version you need.

Pull Docker images:

docker pull mzz2017/v2raya:$Latest_version

Run v2rayA

Run v2rayA by using Docker:

docker run -d \
  --restart=always \
  --privileged \
  --network=host \
  --name v2raya \
  -e V2RAYA_LOG_FILE=/tmp/v2raya.log \
  -e V2RAYA_V2RAY_BIN=/usr/local/bin/v2ray \
  -e IPTABLES_MODE=legacy \
  -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro \
  -v /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf \
  -v /etc/v2raya:/etc/v2raya \

If you use macOS or other environments that do not support host mode, you cannot use the global transparent proxy in this case, or you do not want to use the global transparent proxy, the docker command will be slightly different:

docker run -d \
  -p 2017:2017 \
  -p 20170-20172:20170-20172 \
  --restart=always \
  --name v2raya \
  -e V2RAYA_LOG_FILE=/tmp/v2raya.log \
  -v /etc/v2raya:/etc/v2raya \

Check status:

docker container stats v2raya

Upgrade v2rayA

Use the command mentioned in Pull the image to get the latest version of the image, then stop the current container.

docker container stop v2raya
docker container rm v2raya

Finally, use the commands mentioned in Run v2rayA to run the new version of v2rayA. After updating v2rayA, you may consider deleting the old version image.

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Last update on: Dec 18, 2023 20:23 +0800

Contributors: cubercsl mzz2017 Dup4 easterNday