Environment Variables and Command Line arameters


environment variables

Something might be old here, run v2raya --help to get more informations about environment variables and parameters.

V2RAYA_ADDRESS: The Listening Address of v2rayA. (“” for default)

V2RAYA_CONFIG: The Configuration file Directory of v2rayA. ("/etc/v2raya" for default)

V2RAYA_V2RAY_BIN : v2ray executable file path. Leave blank to auto-detect. It can be modified to the file path of v2ray branches such as xray.

V2RAYA_V2RAY_ASSETSDIR : The path of the data file used by v2ray.

V2RAYA_V2RAY_CONFDIR : Additional v2ray configuration file directory, the v2ray configuration file in this directory will be combined with the configuration file generated by v2rayA.

V2RAYA_WEBDIR : v2rayA front-end GUI file directory, if not specified, the binary embedded GUI file will be used.

V2RAYA_PLUGINLISTENPORT: Internal plug-in port of v2rayA. (32346 for default)

V2RAYA_FORCE_IPV6_ON : Skip the check, force enable IPv6 support.

V2RAYA_PASSCHECKROOT : Skip the root authority check, use it when you confirm that you have root authority but v2rayA makes a mistake, or use it when using a non-root user.

V2RAYA_VERBOSE : Verbose log mode, mixedly print the running logs of v2ray-core and v2rayA. Will be deprecated in a future release.

V2RAYA_RESET_PASSWORD : Reset password.

Command line parameters

Corresponding to the environment variable, use the following command to view the details:

v2raya --help

How to set

The following will take specifying V2RAYA_V2RAY_BIN as xray as an example to introduce the setting methods in each environment.

v2rayA managed by systemd

This is generally the way to install using a package manager such as apt, or directly using the installation package.

  1. Create a new folder /etc/systemd/system/v2raya.service.d , then create a new xray.conf file, add the following content:


    Pay attention to check whether the path of Xray is correct.

  2. Reload service:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart v2raya


  • For adapted options:

    See /etc/config/v2raya for a detailed configurable list

    uci set v2raya.config.enabled='1'
    uci commit v2raya
  • For unadapted options (nightly / advanced users):

    change /etc/init.d/v2raya

    start_service() {
       config_load "$CONF"
       is_enabled "config" "enabled" || exit 1
       procd_open_instance "$CONF"
       procd_set_param command "$PROG"
       procd_set_param env XDG_DATA_HOME="/usr/share"
       # Add commands
       procd_append_param command --v2ray-bin="/usr/bin/xray"
       # Add envs
       procd_append_param env V2RAYA_V2RAY_BIN="/usr/bin/xray"
       --- cut here ---
  • Overload service:

    /etc/init.d/v2raya restart


Modify command_args in /etc/init.d/v2raya , for example:


description="A Linux web GUI client of Project V which supports V2Ray, Xray, SS, SSR, Trojan and Pingtunnel"
command_args="--config=/usr/local/etc/v2raya --v2ray-bin=/usr/local/bin/xray"

depend() {
    need net

Then restart the service.


Use -e to specify the environment variable. The following example modifies the listening port to 2021:

# run v2raya
docker run -d \
  --restart=always \
  --privileged \
  --network=host \
  --name v2raya \
  -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules \
  -v /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf \
  -v /etc/v2raya:/etc/v2raya \

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Last update on: Dec 23, 2022 14:24 +0800

Contributors: zhullyb mzz2017 MarksonHon I404I cubercsl