
TODO: 多出站设计的初衷和可以做的事情(引高级应用,奈非分流,爬虫分流等),怎么做 http 和 socks 的出站(引 RoutingA,这个 mzz 理应写到 UI 里的,先 TODO 一下)。


Doks uses npm to centralize dependency management, making it easy to update resources, build tooling, plugins, and build scripts:

  • Download and install Node.js (it includes npm) for your platform.

Start a new Doks project

Create a new site, change directories, install dependencies, and start development server.

Create a new site

Doks is available as a child theme, and a starter theme:

  • Use the Doks child theme, if you do not plan to customize a lot, and/or need future Doks updates.
  • Use the Doks starter theme, if you plan to customize a lot, and/or do not need future Doks updates.

Not quite sure? Use the Doks child theme.

Doks child theme

git clone https://github.com/v2rayA/v2raya.github.io-child-theme.git my-doks-site

Doks starter theme

git clone https://github.com/v2rayA/v2raya.github.io.git my-doks-site

Change directories

cd my-doks-site

Install dependencies

npm install

Start development server

npm run start

Doks will start the Hugo development webserver accessible by default at http://localhost:1313. Saved changes will live reload in the browser.

Other commands

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最后更新于: 2021年08月22日 19:20:57 +0800

贡献者: cubercsl